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Makar Molchanov

Recoil Tank Game Download For Windows 7 64 Bit [PATCHED]

Tanks patrol desolate city streets. Turrets and missile sites threaten the skies. Robot warriors carrying pulse rifles surround military installations. What's become of Earth? Machines have taken over. Corporate greed and rapid technological advancements have made humans the pawns of their own creations. During the first 15 years of the 21st century, MegaCorp began to dominate the computer technology in both peacekeeping and war-fighting applications. As the giant corporations churned out better and better technology for manufacturing and warfare, humans were relegated to the service industries or to working as drones on PC terminals. Does that sound familiar to you, gentle reader? Well, it should; I'm pretty sure half of the games out there today revolve around the storyline of "big bad computer company ruins the world with their technological advances." On that cheerful note, welcome to the video game Recoil, a first-person tank shooter that reminds me a lot of the old stand-up game Battlezone. You are in control of a Battle Force Tank, which has a vast array of futuristic weapons. There are six missions in the game; each mission contains between 4-6 objectives that must be met before you can move onto the next mission. On the multiplayer side of the game you get seven missions in which you and your friends can beat each other to a bloody pulp, where you each have your own tank and weapons.

recoil tank game download for windows 7 64 bit

When I first played Recoil I tried to use the joystick and found that I could control the tank much better using the mouse and keyboard. The first couple of times playing Recoil was heart-pounding because of the explosions going off and the enemy vehicles darting in and out of my view, but once I got past that, it became a methodical game that has choke points of enemy units that must be destroyed before moving on. Something about this game makes it really fun the first couple of times, but after that you are just wanting to get to the next level because you are bored with the scenery in the last level.

If you are in close proximity to things while playing, you can see that attention to detail was a priority. All the hills and valleys are created very nicely; the enemy vehicles are really neat, but only if you are in close to see them. Which brings me to my first and loudest complaint: The only way you can see anything really well in this game is to be about 10 inches away from whatever you're trying to look at. You have some great long-range weapons at your disposal, but you have to drive up really close to a vehicle to see if that particular weapon will work on it. Once you get close to things, you can really enjoy the effort the graphics guys took in making the game. Enemy vehicles are awesomely done; you've got flame-throwing vehicles, huge battle tanks, and quick and fast troop vehicles. It's just too bad that you can only see that kind of detail when you're up close and personal. On a side note, the best graphics of the game are when you make another vehicle explode -- that really is the high note of the game.

Ninety percent of Recoil's audio revolves around explosions and things dying and melting or just plain getting destroyed. The computer hackers that lead you through the game via your tank's communication system are pretty good. Other than that, there is not a whole lot to the audio. Let's face it, how much can you do with the audio when it is mostly explosions?

I love first-person shooter games; there is no better game to play after a hard day of work. Unfortunately Recoil misses on that note greatly. I judge a shooter by how much I think of tactics and ideas when I'm not playing. Not once while Recoil was in my possession did I find myself thinking of tactics and ideas for the game. I'm also pretty sick to death of this "computers take over the world" crap; can't anybody come up with fresh ideas anymore? There are some great possibilities for a first-person tank shooter -- just take a look at SSI's Panzer Commander; that was a great first-person tank game that was believable. Some of you out there might find this game very engrossing, or maybe I'm missing the point, but either way I recommend you wait for this game to hit the close-out bin until you buy it. With that, gentle reader, I give this game a 60/100.

Thank you for making the game available, i have been hunting to play this for years!!The game is running after following all the steps but only one problem is the tank seems to go too fast when i accelerate and its really hard to control if it is so much fast!!

you are still not done with all the process. When it shows Recoil require Win95/98 means the compatibility mode of recoil exe application is still not set to win95/98. Most of the visitors are able to install and run this game by following our article. You might have done something wrong. Please let us know if we can help further. we are also available to hire personally via teamviewer to fix any issues.

This is because you have not mounted the recoil game disc to virtual drive using Power ISO or demon tool. you need to mount the disc always before you play the game or keep it permanently mounted even if you restart the computer.

Hi! Just wanted to say thank you for bringing this game back to me, I loved it as a kid. I was also wondering how to fix the problem of my tank moving super fast and not stopping (as in it keeps moving unless I make it stop)

Though I've never actually driven around in a real tank, it seems to me that the BFT is rather zippy and manoeuvrable for something on treads. This is all fine and good as long as don't try to mistake the game for a tank sim. Keeping this mind, we have a fairly decent arcade shooter at hand. The control system is well implemented and quite intuitive. The mouse is used to swivel the tank's guns and aim the targeting reticle, while the keyboard is reserved for controlling the movement of the chassis. This setup is fairly standard among 3D shoot-em-ups, and allows you to dive into the game and be cruising along like an old pro within a matter of minutes.

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available.Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

We easily and at any time you can Recoil Tank game free download for windows 7. RECOIL is a tank-based Windows computer game. It involves the player driving a flying experimental tank known as the BFT (Battle Force Tank) through various missions. There is heavy influence on the two weapons to be collected throughout the game. It was developed by Zipper Interactive, a subsidiary of its parent publisher, EA, and uses the same game engine as MechWarrior 3.

In 1999 when RECOIL was published, Zipper Interactive was a very little-known company. Due to the massive amount of video games for PC being released at the time, RECOIL was hardly seen at all. When it was, however, the game received generally positive reviews. GameSpot gave it a 6.4, with a user score of 8.1. IGN gave it an 8.3. We offer you to download a free version of the game, Recoil Tank game free download for windows 7 here at high speed.

When you first listen to the word, "Recoil," you think about a spring. Well someone could call this game a spring by the way you can control things, but there's a lot more than a slinky behind it. Recoil is a vehicular shooter that puts you behind the controls of a remote-control tank. While behind the controls you can complete campaigns and missions to help the Resistance become successful.

Recoil is a fun, refreshing, and rejuvenating game whenever it is played. However, sometimes the frustration can set in and I could only shut off the application to emit and erase my anger. Mainly, this came from the repetitive missions and redoing the same objective over and over again with minimal success. Let me enlighten you perhaps, I chose my first game to be on the Medium Level and had a great deal of trouble trying complete the first missions, or campaigns. Eventually after 60 minutes of retrying constantly, I finished it and rejoiced over a cup of coffee. These missions are good, but they also are very difficult at times. Also there are too many insignificant enemies and it seems the programmers have dubbed "Guerilla Warfare" into Recoil as their fighting style of choice. Enemies plotted around the level usually are for direct combat but Recoil has developed sneak attacks almost like ambushes and many other elements to get anyone really frustrated. I remember dying several times not knowing where the enemy was located. Difficult enemies hiding through trees, on ledges, camouflaged in ditches, everywhere the gamer wouldn't expect it to be. Personally, I found this concept to be very annoying and bothersome when a simple mission is turned into a very difficult, time-consuming revision of World War I. Despite the long, laborious missions of Recoil and the semi-pointless enemy placement that could frustrate you, there are many wonderful things to say about Zipper's Recoil. Artificial Intelligence in the gaming industry has started to learn and predict every move that the gamer makes and counterattack when the gamer goes on offensive. The enemy vehicles are constantly shooting and maneuvering to get a better shot or to go on a defensive round. The enemies are strong, accurate with there shooting and very maneuverable. Zipper Interactive has put in artificial intelligence that makes the game as hard as any other game. As with any game controls can play a role in how difficult a game is and this game makes it quite difficult. At first using your left hand on the keyboard and the mouse with the other hand, you find that controlling a tank's torso and gun is quite difficult. Doing two things at once is very difficult, at least for me and this was a test of hand-eye-dual control.

Recoil's multi-player expands the gamer into large battlefields versus other players in several deathmatch worlds. The multi-player is a load of fun despite the hard time controlling the tank. However there is virtually no lag while playing an eight-player game, which is absolutely great! Westwood Online supports Recoil for the world network multi-player, but I think Westwood Online needs to work on their interface a little bit more. The only problem I have with Recoil and its multi-player is the hard time I had navigating the online setup.


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