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Aslan Korolev
Aslan Korolev

Kernel Sql Database Recovery 7.08.01

--------------------------------------------------- trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "720" --------------------------------------------------- * * ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL 1 * ACTIVE TRACE COMPONENTS all, MJ * M sysno 00 M sid SLM M systemid 390 (AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux) M relno 7200 M patchlevel 0 M patchno 201 M intno 20020600 M make single threaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized M profile /usr/sap/SLM/SYS/profile/SLM_DVEBMGS00_haidrislm M pid 12541 M M M Thu Jun 7 11:46:10 2012 M kernel runs with dp version 133000(ext=118000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-133000-UC) M length of sys_adm_ext is 588 bytes M ThStart: taskhandler started M ThInit: initializing DIA work process W0 M ***LOG Q01=> ThInit, WPStart (Workp. 0 1 12541) [thxxhead.c 1321] M M Thu Jun 7 11:46:11 2012 M ThInit: running on host haidrislm M calling db_connect ... B Loading DB library '/usr/sap/SLM/DVEBMGS00/exe/' ... B Library '/usr/sap/SLM/DVEBMGS00/exe/' loaded B Version of '/usr/sap/SLM/DVEBMGS00/exe/' is "720.00", patchlevel (0.201) C C DBSDBSLIB : version 720.00, patch 0.201 (Make PL 0.201) C MAXDB shared library (dbsdbslib) patchlevels (last 10) C (0.201) Take care of warnings during database connect (note 1600066) C (0.117) Define a primary key on the temp tables for R3szchk (note 1606260) C (0.114) Support of MaxDB 7.8 and 7.9 (note 1653058) C (0.103) Close all lob locators at end of the transaction (note 1626591) C (0.101) Fix for unknown table __TABLE_SIZES_ (R3szchk) (note 1619504) C (0.098) Use filesystem counter for R3szchk (note 1606260) C (0.092) Secondary connection to HANA (note 1481256) C (0.089) UPDSTAT with SAPSYSTEMNAME longer as 3 characters (note 1584921) C (0.081) No UPSERT on WBCROSSGT (note 1521468) C (0.080) New feature batch streaming (note 1340617) C C C Loading SQLDBC client runtime ... C SQLDBC Module : /sapdb/clients/SLM/lib/ C SQLDBC SDK : SQLDBC.H 7.8.2 BUILD 017-121-241-257 C SQLDBC Runtime : libSQLDBC 7.8.1 BUILD 014-121-233-288 C SQLDBC client runtime is MaxDB CL 233288 C SQLDBC supports new DECIMAL interface : 1 C SQLDBC supports VARIABLE INPUT data : 1 C SQLDBC supports VARIABLE OUTPUT data : 1 C SQLDBC supports Multiple Streams : 1 C SQLDBC supports LOB LOCATOR KEEPALIVE : 1 C SQLDBC supports LOB LOCATOR COPY : 1 C SQLDBC supports BULK SELECT with LOBS : 1 C SQLDBC supports BATCH STREAM : 0 C INFO : SQLOPT= -I 0 -t 0 -S SAPR3 C Try to connect (DEFAULT) on connection 0 ... C Attach to SAP DB : Kernel 7.8.01 Build 014-121-233-288 C Database release is SAP DB C INFO : Database 'SLM' instance is running on 'haidrislm' C DB supports UPSERT SQL syntax : 1 C DB supports new EXPAND syntax : 1 C DB supports LOB locators : 1 C DB uses MVCC support : 0 C DB max. input host variables : 2000 C DB max. statement length : 65535 C UPSERT is disabled for : WBCROSSGT C INFO : SAP DB Packet_Size = 131072 C INFO : SAP DB Min_Reply_Size = 4096 C INFO : SAP DB Comm_Size = 126976 C INFO : DBSL buffer size = 126976 C C Thu Jun 7 11:46:12 2012 C INFO : SAP DB MaxLocks = 300000 C INFO : Connect to DB as 'SAPSLM' C Command info enabled C Now I'm connected to MaxDB C 00: haidrislm-SLM, since=20120607114611, ABAP= (0) B Connection 0 opened (DBSL handle 0) C INFO : SAP RELEASE (DB) = 702 M ThInit: db_connect o.k. M ICT: exclude compression: *.zip,*.rar,*.arj,*.z,*.gz,*.tar,*.lzh,*.cab,*.hqx,*.ace,*.jar,*.ear,*.war,*.css,*.pdf,*.gzip,*.uue,*.bz2,*.iso,*.sda,*.sar,*.gif,*.png,*.swc,*.swf I I Thu Jun 7 11:46:25 2012 I MtxInit: 0 0 0 M SHM_PRES_BUF (addr: 7fb868ed2000, size: 4400000) M SHM_ROLL_AREA (addr: 7fb74c607000, size: 268435456) M SHM_PAGING_AREA (addr: 7fb73c607000, size: 268435456) M SHM_ROLL_ADM (addr: 7fb869306000, size: 11142696) M SHM_PAGING_ADM (addr: 7fb73c2e6000, size: 3277856) M ThCreateNoBuffer allocated 564152 bytes for 1000 entries at 7fb735818000 M ThCreateNoBuffer index size: 3000 elems M ThCreateVBAdm allocated 30976 bytes (50 server) at 7fb879e92000 X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ). X MM global diagnostic options set: 0 X client 0 initializing .... X Using implementation std X Linux: Kernel supports shared memory disclaiming X Linux: using madvise(, , 9). X Linux: disclaiming for shared memory enabled X ES initialized. X mm.dump: set maximum dump mem to 96 MB I *** INFO SHM 45 in POOL 40 4771 KB estimated 3625 KB real ( -1146 KB -25 %) B db_con_shm_ini: WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 19, CON_ID = -1 B dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABL (addr: 7fb732697100, size: 30000000, end: 7fb734333480) B dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABLP (addr: 7fb731cd3100, size: 10240000, end: 7fb732697100) B dbsync[db_syinit]: successfully attached to shared memory, sync_adm_p = 7fb738812000 B dbsync[db_syinit]: Buffer synchronisation started with B sync_concept = SEQ_NR B sendon = 1 B bufreftime = 120 B max_gap_wait_time = 60 B ddlog_del_time = 60 B last_counter = -2147399349 B oldest_gap = (2147483647,00000000000000) B time_of_last_sync = 20120607114622 B MySysId = 'haidrislm 00' B dbexpbuf: Buffer EIBUF (addr: 7fb72ebfe108, size: 51200000, end: 7fb731cd2108) B dbexpbuf: Buffer ESM (addr: 7fb72e7fd108, size: 4194304, end: 7fb72ebfd108) B dbexpbuf: Buffer CUA (addr: 7fb738814108, size: 3072000, end: 7fb738b02108) B dbexpbuf: Buffer OTR (addr: 7fb72e3fc108, size: 4194304, end: 7fb72e7fc108) I MPI: dynamic quotas disabled. I MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=1279 reserved=383 quota=10% M rdisp/thsend_mode : -1 -> 0 M rdisp/setactfields_late : -1 -> 0 M CCMS uses Shared Memory Key 73 for monitoring. M CCMS: SemInMgt: Semaphore Management initialized by AlAttachShm_Doublestack. M CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Doublestack. G G Thu Jun 7 11:46:26 2012 G RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 120, pEnforce = 0 ) G GetWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 99, pEnforce = 1 ) G RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 100, pEnforce = 1 ) S *** init spool environment S TSPEVJOB updates outside critical section: event_update_nocsec = 1 S initialize debug system T Stack direction is downwards. T debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace T new memory block 66b5e80 S spool kernel/ddic check: Ok S using table TSP02FX for frontend printing S 1 spool work process(es) found S frontend print via spool service enabled S printer list size is 150 S printer type list size is 50 S queue size (profile) = 300 S hostspool list size = 3000 S option list size is 30 I *** INFO SHM 49 in POOL 40 2898 KB estimated 1632 KB real ( -1266 KB -44 %) S found processing queue enabled S found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 7fb738b03070 S doing lock recovery S setting server cache root S found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 7fb738b03750 S using messages for server info S size of spec char cache entry: 297032 bytes (timeout 100 sec) S size of open spool request entry: 2512 bytes S immediate print option for implicitely closed spool requests is disabled N SncInit(): Initializing Secure Network Communication (SNC) N AMD/Intel x86_64 with Linux (st,ascii,SAP_UC/size_t/void* = 16/64/64) N SncInit(): found snc/data_protection/max=3, using 3 (Privacy Level) N SncInit(): found snc/data_protection/min=2, using 2 (Integrity Level) N SncInit(): found snc/data_protection/use=9, using 3 (Privacy Level) N SncInit(): Trying builtin default as a N gssapi library name: "". N SncInit(): snc/gssapi_lib UNDEFINED in profile! N YOU DEFINITELY SHOULD SET snc/gssapi_lib !! M *** ERROR => DlLoadLib()==DLENOACCESS - dlopen("") FAILED " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" [dlux.c 445] N *** ERROR => SncPDLInit()==SNCERR_INIT, Adapter #1 ( not loaded [sncxxdl.c 640] N ThSncInit: SncInitU (SNCERR_INIT) [thxxsnc.c 239] M in_ThErrHandle: 1 M *** ERROR => SncInitU (step 1, th_errno 44, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c 11321] M M Info for wp 0 M M pid = 12541 M severity = 0 M status = 0 M stat = WP_NEW M waiting_for = NO_WAITING M reqtype = DP_RQ_DIAWP M act_reqtype = NO_REQTYPE M req.req_info = M req.tid = -1 M req.uid = 4294967295 M req.mode = 255 M req.len = 0 M req.rq_id = 65535 M req.rq_source = M last_tid = 0 M last_uid = 0 M last_mode = 0 M act_cs_count = 0 M csTrack = 0 M csTrackRwExcl = 0 M csTrackRwShrd = 0 M mode_cleaned_counter = 0 M control_flag = 0 M int_checked_resource(RFC) = 0 M ext_checked_resource(RFC) = 0 M int_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0 M ext_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0 M report = > TrThHookFunc M TrThHookFunc: called for WP dump M ThCallHooks: hook >TrThHookFunc M ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrSaveSPAFields M *** ERROR => ThrSaveSPAFields: no valid thr_wpadm [thxxrun1.c 844] M *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrSaveSPAFields for event BEFORE_DUMP failed [thxxtool3.c 303] M ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrBtcCallLgCl M ThCallHooks: hook >ThrBtcCallLgCl M ThIErrHandle: entering ThSetStatError M ThIErrHandle: do not call ThrCoreInfo (no_core_info=0, in_dynp_env=0) M Entering ThReadDetachMode M call ThrShutDown (1)... M ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workp. 0 12541) [dpuxtool.c 327]

Kernel Sql Database Recovery 7.08.01

Evaluate the ease of SQL recovery services, using SQL Server Recovery Toolbox and retrieve the data from corrupted databases of supported format in all instances of corruption, affecting the internal structure of SQL databases in mdf format.


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