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Aslan Korolev

The Devil We Know (2018)

The Devil We Know is a 2018 investigative documentary film by director Stephanie Soechtig regarding allegations of health hazards from perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also known as C8), a key ingredient used in manufacturing Teflon, and DuPont's potential responsibility.[1][2] PFAS are commonly found in every household, and in products as diverse as non-stick cookware, stain resistant furniture and carpets, wrinkle free and water repellant clothing, cosmetics, lubricants, paint, pizza boxes, popcorn bags, and many other everyday products.[3]

The Devil We Know (2018)

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The story centers on Parkersburg, West Virginia, where the DuPont facility that manufactured Teflon was located, and follows the personal stories and tribulations of several people who worked at the facility. The film includes footage of public hearings, news reports and corporate ads, along with input from scientists and activists.[6][7] The film's title refers to an internal DuPont memorandum of sticking with "the devil we know" in the continued use of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), rather than spending funds to develop a safer alternative.

Footage of Charles O. Holliday, the CEO of DuPont at the time, Bruce Karrh, DuPont's corporate medical director, and Kathleen Forte, DuPont's public relations officer, is shown where they admit knowingly polluting the local water. DuPont had been conducting its own medical studies for more than four decades, which had shown that PFOA caused cancerous testicular, pancreatic and liver tumors in lab animals.

Exposure to the chemical has even become a global phenomenon, spreading to places like China and the Netherlands. Parkersburg is ground zero for this story, but this clearly is not about one place or one chemical: because of the power of the chemical lobby, C8 is one of more than 80,000+ untested chemicals that have been released onto the market, their dangers unknown.

I know lots of people have been watching all kinds of epidemic-related movies lately given the Coronavirus outbreak. Apparently Contagion, Outbreak, etc. have gained popularity in rentals, as well as in torrent downloads!

Fascinating. I will definitely be watching The Devil We Know, maybe this weekend. I also found the story of Bucky Bailey very moving in Dark Waters. I would love to learn more about him in the documentary. People should know that they are actually real people behind this gross negligence and not just statistics.

Perhaps you know, but there was actually a movie released in 2020 Minamata with Johnny Depp, and it is also about one real case of mercury poisoning by a chemical company Chisso in Japan. Some people were also born disabled as a result and suffered, with the company refusing to admit responsibility for years. I even read the photo book on which the film was based. It was written by Aileen Mioko and Eugene Smith.

We know from a former DuPont chemical engineer interviewed for the film, who was with the company for more than 20 years, that the technology existed to make Teflon without PFOA, but revamping the infrastructure necessary to accommodate a new, safer chemical would have been too costly to justify the switch.

Since it was invented in 1945, Teflon has been immensely popular with consumers. Its uses cover everything from nonstick pans to Scotchgard, rainproof jackets and microwave popcorn bags. So when it became public knowledge that Teflon contained a toxic chemical known as C8, it caused major shock waves. But even more disturbing was the revelation that 3M, the company that manufactures C8, and Dupont, the company that makes Teflon, continued to use C8 and tried to cover up its poisonous effects.

In Maine, children and families across the state are unknowingly exposed to toxic chemicals in their food and drinking water. At the screening, the Strategy Center will describe its work for safe drinking water for Maine families whose wells are contaminated by arsenic; and its campaign to phase out PFAS and other toxic chemicals in our food that are linked to cancer, infertility and learning disabilities. Audience members will learn ways they can get involved in this work and take action for safe food and drinking water.

Unraveling one of the biggest environmental scandals of our time, a group of citizens in West Virginia take on a powerful corporation after they discover it has knowingly been dumping a toxic chemical - now found in 99.7% of Americans - into the drinking water supply. The Devil We Know premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2018.

I dunno, if the topic of your film is "a corporation created a chemical knowing it had negative health effects, decided to go ahead and produce/sell it anyway, and now the chemical is so prevalent in our environment the entire human population has it in their bloodstream" I think it should be treated better than packaging it like your average HBO doc. It's a scandal that's muted by how normalized and anesthetized the documentary format has become.

Are we really expected to believe that a highly respected 200 year old company would sanction the dumping of chemicals into the rivers of America? And that furthermore they would do so know that it was harmful to animals and humans alike?

Unraveling one of the biggest environmental scandals of our time, a group of citizens in West Virginia take on a powerful corporation after they discover it has knowingly been dumping a toxic chemical - now found in the blood of 99.7% of Americans - into the drinking water supply.

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) also known as Teflon, is a synthetic fluoropolymer that is used for numerous things including the coatings of airplanes, cars, cookie bags, popcorn bags, furniture, pans, and even to rust-proof the statue of liberty. This chemical causes a non-stick, waterproof, and non-coercive reaction. Having been around since the 1940s and not getting publicity for its dangers until the 1960s.

For once, the adventure actually starts with the briefing, rather than having it as a flashback. Once given the characters are sent off to commence their investigations. Cassomir has had a spate of kidnappings recently, mostly of people associated with the the Imperial Naval Shipyards. Nobody knows who's behind it, the imperative at this time is to get the Pathfinder back. The Aspis Consortium junior thinks he knows where some of the kidnap victims were taken (he escaped by jumping into the harbour!) and has agreed to lead the party there.

Thank you for the information, Dragnmoon. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Abbigail the Glass Aug 22, 2009, 05:39 pm Anonymous User 111 wrote: Dragnmoon wrote:It is PDF only, If you saw the Adventure printed it was done by the GM, The maps though are a seperate product by Paizo that they make called Flip-Mats, They used 2 of them for this Scenerio.Thank you for the information, Dragnmoon. You know I've been playing these for a while, and I just figured out there was no print versions last week so don't feel bad. Of course I've only been buying pdfs for the last year and just started to buy print again... but still. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) joela Sep 10, 2009, 12:55 pm Dragnmoon wrote: joela wrote: Thanks for the review, Aaron. I may be running both parts at an upcoming con and want to make sure the mods are "balanced" towards Cheliax...I MEAN, for PLAYER FUN. That's right.... ^_^ Joe, this one was fun. I had a great time GMing this at GenCon, Though I did have one TPK, it was mostly due to bad luck on the PC side, Though there is one section that can be bad if the GM rolls well. Dragnmoon, ran it and liked it. Reminds me of chapters of a good fantasy novel. However, there's that one encounter CR 3(?) at the shipyard with a certain someone that had the PCs scrambling. I agree; it may be a bit too tough especially with the new class abilities. (I just heard from one gamer it resulted in TPK. Ugh.) AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) alleynbard Sep 10, 2009, 01:07 pm I had a great time with this one as well. The storyline is simple, yet fun and it had plenty of opportunities to add role playing scenarios. Unfortunately my NPCs were suffering from terrible rolls and the CR 3 encounter fell flat on its face.

Those of you who have access to the PDF may download the updated version for free at (If the file shows that it has already been personalized, you'll need to repersonalize it before you can download the new version.) I know we've moved on in seasons, but I've just gotten to take a look at running this series of scenarios, and I've noticed a few problems that require some creativity on the part of the GM and should be addressed in case of another revision:Spoiler: In Act 1, the tier 6-7 encounter is missing its animal companion, & the Act 5 druids say to refer back to these stats... even though they don't exist - my solution: use tier 1-2 companion stats.

I am not sure what the writer was thinking as most players at the 1-2 tier level are new or not powerful enough to handle this kind of monster or even to know to run. Interesting...our level 1 party got massacred by

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